
🔥 Just built an Amazon login clone using React Native with sign-in and sign-up functionality. Check out the code and snapshots on my GitHub. Excited to hear your feedback! 🚀💻 #ReactNative #AmazonLoginClone #FrontendDev #GitHub

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Hey GIthub Community! 👋 I'm excited to share that I recently completed a challenging project where I created a clone of Amazon's login page using React Native. 🎉

With the aim of honing my skills in React Native and exploring its capabilities, I worked diligently to replicate the functionality of Amazon's login system. Users can seamlessly sign in or sign up using their name, email, and password.

This project allowed me to dive deep into React Native's components, styles, and navigation, enabling me to create a clean and intuitive user interface to mimic the login experience on Amazon's platform.

📸 Here is the snapshot of the Amazon Login Clone app:


I had an absolute blast working on this project as it provided an excellent opportunity to solidify my understanding of React Native and enhance my frontend development skills.

#reactnative #amazonloginclone #frontenddevelopment #programming #clonewebsite