
API wrapper for comments.bot API, works both Async and Sync

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


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A simple API wrapper to interact with comments.bot api.


The latest version of comments.bot is available via pip:

pip install --upgrade comments.bot

Also, you can download the source code and install using:

poetry install

Note: You need to have poetry installed on your system


The library can be used in both Sync and Async! For both there are 2 client which can be imported from comments_bot - SyncClient, AsyncClient.

from comments_bot import SyncClient, AsyncClient
from asyncio import run

asyncClient = AsyncClient(api_key="some api key", owner_id=12345678)  # Async Client
syncClient = SyncClient(api_key="some api key", owner_id=12345678)  # Sync Client

# Both of the clients have same function - createPost, editPost, deletePost
post_text_id, link_text = syncClient.createPost(text="hey")  # Post a text message
post_photo_id, link_photo = syncClient.createPost(type="photo", photo_url="some url", caption="some text for caption")  # Post a photo

status, post_text_id = syncClient.editPost(post_id=post_text_id, text="some other message")

status = syncClient.deletePost(post_id=post_id)  # Deletes the post from comments.bot

You can use the below methods for both SyncClient and AsyncClient.

Methods Available:

createPost() arguments:

  • owner_id:

    • required if not passed on Client.
  • type:

    • must be text or photo. text is used by default if not specified.
  • text:

    • required if type equals to text. It must be a string betwen 0-4056 characters.
  • photo_url:

    • required if type equals to photo. It must be a string containing a link to the image.
  • caption:

    • Caption for the image. Only valid for photo type.
  • parse_mode:

    • Parse mode for the text/caption. It must be markdown or html.
  • administrators:

    • A string with user_ids (numbers) separated by comma. Example: 123456789,987654321,012345678.
  • disable_notifications:

    • Pass True if you don't want to receive notifications about new comments for your post.

editPost() arguments:

  • type:

    • must be text or photo. text is used by default if not specified.
  • text:

    • required if type equals to text. It must be a string betwen 0-4056 characters.
  • photo_url:

    • required if type equals to photo. It must be a string containing a link to the image.
  • caption:

    • Caption for the image. Only valid for photo type.
  • parse_mode:

    • Parse mode for the text/caption. It must be markdown or html.

deletePost() arguments:

  • post_id:
    • Pass the post id to be deleted


Wanna help and improve this project?

Make sure to follow these before opening a PR:

  • Make sure your PR passes the test and is formatted according to pre-commit.
  • Make sure the package is working without any issues!


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details