Blockchain in Golang using Docker

The link to the medium article explaining the code is here

Installation and Usage


Install Go

Install Docker

Set up the server and run the blockchain

Run the following commands in a new terminal. Clone this repository:

$ git clone
$ cd Blockchain-in-Golang-using-Docker
$ go run Blockchain-in-Golang-using-Docker.go
Server listening on localhost:5000.


Running the blockchain on the server

$ curl localhost:5000/chain

Mining Blocks

To see the mining process on the selectedserver address, run the following command

$ curl localhost:5000/mine

Adding a New Transaction

To add a new transaction on blockchain, we need the block content i.e., the sender address, the receiver address and the amount sent from sender to the receiver. A new transaction can be added in a block mined by a miner at a perticular server address.

$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
"sender": "66ad49fc75114203-8db2c886c13339ea",
"recipient": "98c438146f674768a1bb0e225a75311f",
"amount": 50
}' localhost:5000/transactions/new

Adding a new node into the network

The new server addresses need to be registered to the previous address to form a network.

$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
"nodes": ["http://localhost:5001","http://localhost:5002"]
}' localhost:5000/nodes/register

Resolve nodes

If there are more than one nodes, then, run the following command to resolve nodes.

$ curl localhost:5000/nodes/resolve 

Adding more instances

We can add more instances to the blockchain network using the following commands.

$ go run blockchain.go -p 5001
$ go run blockchain.go -p 5002
$ go run blockchain.go -p 5003


The code can be executed using Docker using the following commands.

$ docker build -t blockchain .
$ docker run --rm -p 9000:5000 blockchain
$ docker run --rm -p 9001:5000 blockchain
$ docker run --rm -p 9002:5000 blockchain
