
Primary LanguagePython


An agent-based opinion dynamics model, incorporating some recent ideas from ANNSIM 2024 and INSNA Sunbelt 2024.


Tidal screenshot

Installation and setup

Make sure your Python environment has Mesa, networkx, NumPy, Pandas, and matplotlib installed:

    $ pip install mesa networks numpy pandas matplotlib

and then run the single Python file tidal.py, whose command-line usage is shown below.


    tidal.py [-h] [-n NUM_SIMS] [--seed SEED] [--MAX_STEPS MAX_STEPS]
             [-N N] [--graph_type {ER,SBM}]
             [--graph_params GRAPH_PARAMS [GRAPH_PARAMS ...]]
             [--agent_class {Messaging,Community}] [--prop_red PROP_RED]
             [--confidence_malleability CONFIDENCE_MALLEABILITY]
             [--cap_confidence | --no-cap_confidence]
             [--bidirectional_influence | --no-bidirectional_influence]
             [--extraversion EXTRAVERSION]
             [--animate_only_on_step | --no-animate_only_on_step]
             [--plot_mean | --no-plot_mean]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -n NUM_SIMS, --num_sims NUM_SIMS
                        Number of sims to run (1 = single, >1 = batch)
  --seed SEED           Random seed.
                        Maximum number of steps before simulation terminates.
  -N N                  Number of agents.
  --graph_type {ER,SBM}
                        Random graph-generating algorithm.
  --graph_params GRAPH_PARAMS [GRAPH_PARAMS ...]
                        Random graph-generating algorithm parameters (ER: p.
                        SBM: n1 n2 p11 p12 p22).
  --agent_class {Messaging,Community}
                        Prefix of agent class name (prepended to 'Citizen').
  --prop_red PROP_RED   Proportion of agents initially red.
  --confidence_malleability CONFIDENCE_MALLEABILITY
                        To what degree is confidence boosted/devastated by
  --cap_confidence, --no-cap_confidence
                        Impose maximum confidence of 1.0 on each agent?
  --bidirectional_influence, --no-bidirectional_influence
                        Listener also (symmetrically) influences speaker?
  --extraversion EXTRAVERSION
                        Probability of each agent sending message each step.
  --animate_only_on_step, --no-animate_only_on_step
                        Only draw new animation frame on entire step of sim?
  --plot_mean, --no-plot_mean
                        Plot mean and median confidence on histogram?