
Discord-Chat-Importer allows you to import Discord channels and chats (exported with DiscordChatExporter) across Discord servers.


Exporting a channel to .json

Creating the bot

  • Go to: https://discord.com/developers/applications
  • Click "New Application" on the top-right.
  • Give it a name and press Create
  • On the left panel, click OAuth2
  • Under Scopes, check Bot
  • Under Bot Permissions, check View Channels, Send Messages, Manage Messages, Embed Links, Attach Files, Read Message History
  • Copy the URL generated under Scopes and paste it into your browser
  • Select the server you want the bot in
  • Go back to the applicaiton page
  • On the left panel, click Bot
  • Click Add Bot
  • Copy the Token, you'll need this for the next step.

WARNING: DO NOT try to use the bot in multiple servers at once as it was designed to only support 1. Create more bots if you have to.

Starting the bot

  • Download the executable from: https://github.com/Ethorbit/Discord-Chat-Importer/releases
  • Open the Command Prompt or Terminal
  • Run the executable with the argument as the token
    • Windows example: "C:\Users\Ethorbit\source\repos\Discord-Channel-Importer\bin\Debug\netcoreapp3.1\Discord-Channel-Importer.exe" "MQENWQKNQWKRNWQRQOWR.WQEOJQWEODN3AKDNAKNXeIA"

Importing the .json


You need the Manage Messages and Manage Channels permissions.

Type !importer help for the command list.

  • Command Preview