
I create a python script to automatically generate feedback forms for student.

Primary LanguagePython


I create a python3.4 script to automatically generate feedback forms for students/employees.


just download it and use a terminal to open the folder.


Use data_template.xlsx to store the data of students/employees, then in shell, run:

./mark.py [-i | --input=] data_template.xlsx [-o | --output=] output directory [[-n |--number=] index number | [-a| --all]] [-t |--type=] form type

"-i": parameter defines where the input file is.

"-a": parameter, will print all forms according to the student_list.

"-n": parameter should be followed by a valid index number, print the corresponding form.

"-o": parameter defines the location of generated forms.

"-t": parameter defines the form types.

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.