
AutoIt library for php, exposing AutoIt functions in php userland

Primary LanguagePHPThe UnlicenseUnlicense


AutoIt library for php, exposing AutoIt functions in php userland

as of writing, only 5 functions are added: MouseMove and MouseClick and _ScreenCapture_Capture and WinWaitActive and Send

example usage

$au = new AutoIt();
$au->MouseMove(10, 10, 5);
echo "waiting up to 5 seconds for notepad window..";
    echo "found notepad!\n";
    $au->Send("hello from autoit_php");
    echo "timed out while waiting for notepad.\n";
$imageBinary = $au->_ScreenCapture_Capture();
var_dump(strlen($imageBinary), imagecreatefromstring($imageBinary));