
DEPRECATED, this project is no longer maintained, see README for more information.

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION


This project has been succeeded by djangocms-bootstrap4 , and is no longer supported.

Divio will undertake no further development or maintenance of this project. If you are interested in continuing to develop it, use the fork functionality from GitHub. We are not able to transfer ownership of the repository to another party.

Aldryn Bootstrap3

pypi build coverage

Aldryn Bootstrap 3 is a plugin bundle for django CMS providing several components from the popular Bootstrap 3 framework.

This addon is compatible with Divio Cloud and is also available on the django CMS Marketplace for easy installation.



This is a an open-source project. We'll be delighted to receive your feedback in the form of issues and pull requests. Before submitting your pull request, please review our contribution guidelines.

One of the easiest contributions you can make is helping to translate this addon on Transifex.


See REQUIREMENTS in the setup.py file for additional dependencies:

  • Python 2.7, 3.3 or higher
  • Django 1.6 or higher
  • Django Filer 1.2.4 or higher
  • Django Text CKEditor 3.1.0 or higher

Make sure django Filer and django CMS Text CKEditor are installed and configured appropriately.


For a manual install:

  • run pip install aldryn-bootstrap3
  • add aldryn_bootstrap3 to your INSTALLED_APPS
  • run python manage.py migrate aldryn_bootstrap3


Aldryn Bootstrap 3 replaces the following django CMS plugins:

It provides the following standard Bootstrap 3 components:

It also provides the following 3rd party components:

These components need to be manually configured in order to work properly inside your project. See this gist for additional information on a recommended spacer configuration.


This addon provides a standard template for Carousels. You can provide additional style choices by adding a ALDRYN_BOOTSTRAP3_CAROUSEL_STYLES setting:

    ('feature', _('Featured Version')),

You'll need to create the feature folder inside templates/aldryn_bootstrap/plugins/carousel/ otherwise you will get a template does not exist error. You can do this by copying the standard folder inside that directory and renaming it to feature.

In addition you can set or extend your own icon fonts using ALDRYN_BOOTSTRAP3_ICONSETS:

    ('glyphicons', 'glyphicons', 'Glyphicons'),
    ('fontawesome', 'fa', 'Font Awesome'),
    # custom iconsets have to be JSON
    ('{"iconClass": "icon", "iconClassFix": "icon-", "icons": [...]}', 'icon', 'Custom Font Icons'),
    ('{"svg": true, "spritePath": "sprites/icons.svg", "iconClass": "icon", "iconClassFix": "icon-", "icons": [...]}', 'icon', 'Custom SVG Icons'),

The default grid size is set to 24 when validating the column input, you can override this by setting:


Running Tests

You can run tests by executing:

virtualenv env
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r tests/requirements.txt
python setup.py test