- 2
- 1
Consider switching from lxml's clean_html for enhanced security (and possibly performance)
#115 opened by frenzymadness - 0
- 1
- 1
- 2
ImportError: cannot import name 'QuerySetPaginator' from 'django.core.paginator'
#112 opened by guillaumecochard - 1
Add support for at least bootstrap4
#107 opened by Randomneo - 0
AttributeError: module 'django.db.models' has no attribute 'FieldDoesNotExist'
#110 opened by didierCH - 2
Results are incorrect
#108 opened by svandeneertwegh - 2
Aldryn-search dependency aldryn-common isn't compatible with newer django version
#105 opened by bhuiyanmobasshir94 - 5
Python 3 compatibility
#33 opened by fellu - 12
Provide a django 2+ compatible release
#102 opened by benzkji - 3
- 0
- 2
- 0
- 3
- 4
Context does not persist when rendering plugins
#73 opened by czpython - 3
AttributeError in "_backend_alias"
#75 opened by wfehr - 1
- 1
aldryn-search 0.4.0 status?
#76 opened by jdgoettsch - 0
Allow for #anchor in search results
#90 opened by tehfink - 5
rebuild_index error: "language_code can't be null"
#70 opened by leety - 5
- 0
- 0
- 0
AppConf not loaded while test run with pytest...
#86 opened by jedie - 1
Doesn't work with Django-cms 3.5.1?
#82 opened by kynsi - 1
Release version 0.4.2 + Recent Merge
#81 opened by Rugiewitz - 1
TitleIndex not excluded, even if told so?
#77 opened by benzkji - 0
Unicodedecodeerror with a CMS page body
#74 opened by marksweb - 1
Issue Rebuilding Index
#71 opened by pinksharpii - 0
Content Indexing in cmsplugin-filer
#72 opened by torez - 0
- 6
aldryn-search affected by incompatibility beween django-haystack and aldryn-jobs
#67 opened by macolo - 2
haystack.backends.simple_backend.SimpleEngine doesn't seem to work with Django CMS
#68 opened by macolo - 3
- 15
Language detection fails
#48 opened by jakob-o - 0
README links to cms-search documentation
#43 opened by kelvan - 1
New Django 1.8 prereq in aldryn_search/
#59 opened by trawick - 2
be aware of "hidden linebreaks/spaces"
#57 opened by benzkji - 6
Eviction of unpublished pages fails
#50 opened by jakob-o - 2
RemovedInDjango19Warning: django.utils.importlib will be removed in Django 1.9.
#51 opened by facconi - 1
ParserError isn't defined
#37 opened by marksweb - 1
#36 opened by jrief - 0
Aldryn search and empty snippet
#32 opened by piotrjakimiak - 0
- 3
- 1
How to make Full text search working?
#26 opened by garmoncheg - 3
Unlisted dependency: django-appconf
#23 opened by stevenewey