
A simple mobile banking app made with flutter and supabase

Primary LanguageDart

Monity - Digital Banking App

Monity is a simple and intuitive digital banking app designed specifically for the Nigerian market. It provides users with seamless banking experiences, including account management, money transfers, and transaction tracking. This README provides an overview of the app's features, installation instructions, and space for screenshots showcasing the user interface.


User Authentication

Sign Up: New users can create an account using their email and password. Login: Existing users can log in with their credentials. Profile Completion: After logging in, users complete their profile by providing additional details.

Account Management

Profile Setup: Users can update their profile information, change passwords, and manage security settings. Passcode Setup: Users set a 4-digit passcode for secure banking transactions.


View Transactions: Users can view all their transactions grouped by date. Send Money: Users can send money to other Monity users. Request Money: Users can request money from other Monity users. Transaction Notifications: Users receive notifications about their transactions.

Balance Management

View Balance: Users can view their account balance. Top-Up Balance: Users can top-up their account balance.


App Passcode: Users can set and change their app passcode for additional security.

sample login for testing the app:

email: infotezma@gmail.com password Babcock135790 passcode: 1357

email: divzeh001@gmail.com password Babcock135790 passcode: 1357

Screenshot 2024-07-16 123601

Screenshot 2024-07-16 123317

Screenshot 2024-07-16 123519

Screenshot 2024-07-16 123539

Getting Started


  • Clone the Repository:

bash Copy code git clone https://github.com/yourusername/monity.git cd monity Install Dependencies:

bash Copy code flutter pub get Set Up Supabase:

Create a Supabase project. Set up authentication and database tables as required by the app. Update the lib/constants.dart file with your Supabase URL and API key. Run the App:

bash Copy code flutter run

Supabase - creation of tables and functions

Sure, here’s a detailed list of the tables and functions created for Monity, along with brief descriptions of their purpose:

Supabase Tables and Functions


  1. auth.users

    • Description: This is the default table for storing user authentication information, including email and password.
  2. profile_info

    • Description: Stores additional user information such as first name, last name, profile picture, and other personal details.
    • Columns:
      • id: Foreign key linking to auth.users.
      • first_name: User's first name.
      • last_name: User's last name.
      • profile_picture: URL to the user's profile picture.
      • account_number: 11-digit unique account number.
      • balance: User's account balance.
  3. user_passcodes

    • Description: Stores the 4-digit passcodes for users to secure their banking transactions.
    • Columns:
      • user_id: Foreign key linking to auth.users.
      • passcode: Encrypted 4-digit passcode.
  4. transaction_logs_with_names

    • Description: Stores transaction logs with detailed information about each transaction.
    • Columns:
      • transaction_id: Unique identifier for each transaction.
      • timestamp: The date and time of the transaction.
      • sender_profile_id: Foreign key linking to the sender's profile.
      • recipient_profile_id: Foreign key linking to the recipient's profile.
      • amount: The transaction amount.
      • transaction_type: Type of transaction (debit or credit).
      • transaction_reference: 20-character unique reference for the transaction.
      • transaction_status: Status of the transaction (completed, pending, etc.).
      • sender_name: Name of the sender.
      • recipient_name: Name of the recipient.
  5. transaction_receipt

    • Description: Stores transaction receipts containing the reference and status of each transaction.
    • Columns:
      • transaction_reference: 20-character unique reference.
      • transaction_status: Status of the transaction (completed, pending, etc.).

Functions and Triggers

  1. generate_account_number

    • Description: Generates a random 11-digit account number for new users.
    • Implementation:
      CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION generate_account_number()
        NEW.account_number := floor(random() * 100000000000)::integer;
        RETURN NEW;
      $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
  2. trigger_generate_account_number

    • Description: Trigger to automatically call generate_account_number when a new profile is created.
    • Implementation:
      CREATE TRIGGER trigger_generate_account_number
      BEFORE INSERT ON profile_info
      EXECUTE FUNCTION generate_account_number();
  3. send_transaction_notification

    • Description: Sends a push notification to users when a transaction occurs.
    • Implementation:
      CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION send_transaction_notification()
        PERFORM pg_notify('transaction_channel', json_build_object(
          'user_id', NEW.recipient_profile_id,
          'message', 'You have received a transaction of ' || NEW.amount
        RETURN NEW;
      $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
  4. trigger_send_transaction_notification

    • Description: Trigger to automatically call send_transaction_notification when a new transaction log is inserted.
    • Implementation:
      CREATE TRIGGER trigger_send_transaction_notification
      AFTER INSERT ON transaction_logs_with_names
      EXECUTE FUNCTION send_transaction_notification();

Example Supabase Logic (Dart)

  1. Fetching User Profile Information

    • Description: Retrieves the profile information for the current user.
    • Implementation:
      Future<Map<String, dynamic>?> getUserProfileInfo() async {
        final response = await supabase
            .eq('id', Supabase.instance.client.auth.currentUser?.id)
        return response.data;
  2. Fetching Transactions

    • Description: Retrieves transaction logs related to the current user.
    • Implementation:
      Future<List<Map<String, dynamic>>> fetchTransactions(String profileId) async {
        final response = await supabase
            .order('timestamp', ascending: false);
        return response;
  3. Grouping Transactions by Date

    • Description: Groups transactions by date for display in the app.
    • Implementation:
      List<Map<String, dynamic>> groupTransactionsByDate(
          List<Map<String, dynamic>> transactions, String userId) {
        final groupedTransactions = <String, List<Map<String, dynamic>>>{};
        for (var transaction in transactions) {
          if (transaction['sender_profile_id'] == userId) {
            final timestamp = DateTime.parse(transaction['timestamp']);
            final dateKey = _formatDateKey(timestamp);
            if (groupedTransactions.containsKey(dateKey)) {
            } else {
              groupedTransactions[dateKey] = [transaction];
        return groupedTransactions.entries.map((entry) {
          return {
            'date': entry.key,
            'transactions': entry.value,
      String _formatDateKey(DateTime date) {
        final now = DateTime.now();
        final today = DateTime(now.year, now.month, now.day);
        final transactionDate = DateTime(date.year, date.month, date.day);
        if (transactionDate == today) {
          return 'Today';
        } else {
          return DateFormat('MMMM dd, yyyy').format(date);

Contribution: I welcome any suggestions.

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