
A collection of GRUB2 themes.

Tasty Grubs

A collection of GRUB2 themes.


  1. Clone this repository
  2. Open /etc/default/grub and set the GRUB_THEME= line to GRUB_THEME=/path/to/theme/directory/you/want/theme.txt. For example: GRUB_THEME=/boot/grub/themes/box/theme.txt. The path must lead to the theme.txt file, not the directory.
  3. I would recommend moving the themes you want from this repository into /boot/grub/themes although this is not necessary.
  4. Run update-grub and you're good to go!

Note: you will likely need to tweak the values (for example left and top) in the theme.txt of the themes as these were built for 640x480 resolution. See 'Troubleshooting' below for more information



A simple theme with image background. Two wallpapers are included by default: fields.jpeg and metropolis.jpeg. These can be easily changed to any suitable image.


Box - Large version

Larger variant of the box theme, useful if your menu entries are long


'Among Us'

Theme inspired by 2018 mobile game 'Among Us'.


'Among Us' - Large version

Larger variant of the 'Among Us' theme; useful if your menu entries are long and would overflow.



Menu entries superimposed on the dashboard screen of a Tesla Model 3. Uses Tesla font.


Tesla - Sans Serif font

Tesla theme with a Sans Serif font as the Tesla font can sometimes be hard to read.



You may need to tweak the theme file if your screen resolution means the text is in the wrong place. This is as simple as editing the left and top attributes in the + boot_menu and + label sections in the corresponding theme.txt file for the theme you are using.


  • Example wallpaper images are from wallhaven.cc
  • Tesla font by Dies on dafont.com