
withCasing uses getCasing(cohort wf), should use getCasing(whole_underlined_wf)

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If the suggestion/underline covers more than one cohort, we need to use the casing from that whole string, not just the cohort of the reading with the error tag.

If input is

	"A" N Sg <NoSpaceAfterPunctMark> &no-space-after-punct-mark ID:1 R:RIGHT:2
	"A" N Sg <NoSpaceAfterPunctMark> "<A. Eira>" &no-space-after-punct-mark &SUGGESTWF ID:1 R:RIGHT:2
	"Eira" N Prop &LINK &no-space-after-punct-mark ID:2

we want &SUGGESTWF to produce A. Eira (as if it had the <fixedcase> tag).


	if(r.suggestwf) {
		r.sforms.emplace_back(withCasing(r.fixedcase, inputCasing, r.wf));

gets called with inputCasing that's set by inputCasing = getCasing("A.") which is considered uppercase, should be called with getCasing("A.Eira") which is mIxed (and leads to no case change).