
Multimodal chat application supporting voice-to-text, emoji suggestions based on facial expressions, and hands-free scrolling with gaze tracking. Developed with Mary Thielking (forked from our private repo) for an MIT class.

Primary LanguagePython


What's Chatterbox?

Chatterbox is a multimodal networked chat interface with three core features:

  1. Emoji suggestions based on emotion classification from webcam data
  2. Hands-free scrolling using gaze tracking from webcam data
  3. Voice-to-text functionality

Table of Contents

Filename Description
chat.js Modifies index.html depending on the state of the application. Combines speech.js, scroll.js, and logging.js into the interface.
chatServer.js Starts and runs a Node.js server using Express.
emojiBank.js Contains a dictionary used to suggest emojis based on the emotion classification.
index.html Initial layout of the interface. Modified using chat.js
logging.js Logs desired mouse and keyboard events to a Google spreadsheet. The data was then processed after user testing.
package.json Used by npm to keep track of dependencies.
scroll.js Triggers scrolling up or down when gaze tracking is turned on and a cutoff is reached at the top or bottom of the screen.
speech.js Processes speech using webkitSpeechRecognition API
style.css Provides styling to the interface.
WebGazer.js Sourced from https://webgazer.cs.brown.edu/ and used to implement gaze tracking.
python_chat/ Python 3 code from initial implementation. Filenames are similar to those described above.
sounds/ Sounds used to provide auditory feedback

Using the Chat


  1. Install Node.js
  2. Navigate to directory 6835-project
  3. Run npm install

Running the Chat

  1. Run npm start
  2. Open a browser and go to localhost:3000

Or go to https://agile-citadel-17828.herokuapp.com/.

Runs on Chrome, Firefox, and Edge. Tested on Windows, Linux, and Mac. Works best in a well-lit area, with the laptop on a desk or table so that the webcam is closer to eye level than it would be from a user's lap.

Running the Deprecated Python Chat

From initial implementation. Not improved past Prototype Studio.

  1. Navigate to directory python_chat
  2. Run the server: python3 chat_server.py
  3. Open a GUI: python3 chat_gui.py