
This repository contains a collection of projects I developed during my internship at CodSoft. Each project demonstrates different aspects of web development, showcasing my learning journey and the practical applications of various technologies.

Primary LanguageHTML

This repository contains a collection of projects I developed during my internship at CodSoft. Each project demonstrates different aspects of web development, showcasing my learning journey and the practical applications of various technologies.

Projects Included: Amazon Clone: A full-featured e-commerce platform replica with user authentication, product listings, and a shopping cart. simple calculator: This repository contains a simple calculator web application built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The calculator allows users to perform basic arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

Technologies Used: Frontend: HTML, CSS, JavaScript Backend: PHP, Node.js Database: Firebase, Local Storage Tools & Frameworks: React, Express, etc. Deployment: The projects in this repository are deployed and can be accessed online for demonstration purposes. Each project includes a README file with detailed instructions on how to set up and run the project locally.

Learning Outcomes: Gained hands-on experience in full-stack web development. Developed a deep understanding of both frontend and backend technologies. Enhanced problem-solving skills by working on real-world projects. Future Work: Improving Features: Further refine and expand the functionalities of these projects. New Projects: Continue developing new projects to explore advanced web development concepts.