

  • Divya Chahal(Mentee)
  • Shikha(Mentor)

About the Project

  • This project was about developing a web page, where one can search different GIF's available through the giphy API's

Project Repo

Technical Stacks Used

  • Atom
  • HTML 5
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • Git and Github
  • API
  • Bootstrap


Conclusion & Website Link

  • This was a very intersting project. I've used the concept of API's for the first time and the results were amazing. I really enjoyed working in the project and learned some new skills too. I hope for more such opportunities. Thanks to my mentor Shikha and UAceIt for giving me the opportunity to work on this project.

Future Scope

  • The UI of the website can be made better and additional functionalities of form and other features related to giphy search can be added in the project.