Full Name |
Divyam Patel |
Tapas Rastogi |
Winson Yuan |
OAuth 2.0
- Users are able to sign in to our application using other oauth providers such as Google and authorization for multiple scopes such as access to their google calendar
Real-time interaction
- Sellers are able to host live bidding sessions with a video chat where they can disconnect all the other users in the video call
- Utilize workers in backend to send emails three minutes after signing up, and for setting the event in their google calendar
- Enhance the UI with library components such as Tailwind CSS
- Workers implemented to send emails after user registers, and when adding event to calendar
- Deploy web application in a digital ocean vm
- MongoDB, Redis - database
- Express - backend
- React and Tailwind CSS - frontend
- NodeJS
- Images uploaded by users to be stored in Firebase Storage
- and Simple Peer
- Firebase
- SendGrid
- BullMQ
- Mongoose
- Google API
- Redis Adapter
- Dockerize and push to Docker Hub for both frontend and backend application
- Deploy with Digital Ocean VM