
Exploring Adversarial Perturbations

Primary LanguagePython


Our paper titled WaveTransform: Crafting Adversarial Examples via Input Decomposition has been accepted at the AROW Workshop, ECCV 2020. This repository will be updated soon.

Advances in Deep Learning have lead to the creation of learning agents that can perform non-trivial human level tasks (such as visual detection, speech recognition etc.). However, there exist inherent vulnerabilities in these systems. These vulnerabilities can be methodically exploited to manipulate the output of the system by subtly changing the input. These changes are almost imperceptible to the naked eye and are termed as adversarial perturbations. In context of visual systems, perturbed images are by design meant to fool networks that are otherwise deemed to be reliable by predicting incorrect classes with confidence.

I am currently understanding how subspaces in the feature space where these adversarial examples exist relate to the high dimensional decision boundaries and the internal representations made by the model. We are particularly interested in the applications of this field to Deepfakes , which has started to make headlines as a political and social tool to spread misinformation. We are attempting to generate natural adversarial examples that modify existing artifacts of the image rather than add noise that can be potentially defended against or be detected.


Fast Gradient Sign Method

ResNet-50 Accuracy DenseNet-121 Accuracy Average Confidence Attack Parameters
13.54% 19.02% - Epsilon is similar to 0.0005


Fig: (Right) adversarial example generated by FGSM, misclassified as a “plane” with high confidence. (Left) original image that was classified correctly.

Jacobian Saliency Map Attack

ResNet-50 Accuracy DenseNet-121 Accuracy Average Confidence Attack Parameters
12.49% 11.54% About 90% L1 norm of the perturbed image is restricted to 50. Tested around 1000 images evenly distributed amongst classes.


Fig: (Bottom) Adversarial examples generated by a targeted version of JSMA, misclassified as the “truck” category with high confidence. (Top) original images that were classified correctly.

Deep Fool

ResNet-50 Accuracy DenseNet-121 Accuracy Average Confidence Attack Parameters
10.39% 10.87% - Overshoot: 0.002, Max iters: 50. See implementational details.


Fig: (Bottom) adversarial examples misclassified using Deep Fool. (Top) Original images correctly classified.

Carlini-Wagner Attack

ResNet-50 Accuracy DenseNet-121 Accuracy Average Confidence Attack Parameters
0.0% 0.0% About 97% L2 norm values vary. Tested 500 images evenly distributed from all classes.


Fig: (Bottom) Adversarial examples misclassified using a targeted Carlini & Wagner’s L2 attack. (Top) Correctly classified images.

Universal Perturbation Perturbation

ResNet-50 Accuracy DenseNet-121 Accuracy Average Confidence Attack Parameters
14.11% 14.19% 92.12% l∞ norm is limited to 0.5. Deep Fool max iters to find intermediate perturbation: 10. Tested after obtaining perturbation on training on 10000 images from the training set.


Fig: (Bottom) adversarial examples misclassified by a universal perturbation. Despite the attack being untargeted, many adversarial examples of this dataset fell into a few select classes.

One Pixel Attack

ResNet-50 Accuracy DenseNet-121 Accuracy Average Confidence Attack Parameters
40.83% - Reportedly 97.74% Differential Evolution iterations: 150. Tested for 200 images evenly distributed from each class due to slow processing.


Fig: Adversarial examples generated by a targeted One-Pixel attack. All of these images were misclassified as a “truck”

Most Significant Bit Attack

ResNet-50 Accuracy DenseNet-121 Accuracy Average Confidence Attack Parameters
28.10% 28.77% - 12% pixels were perturbed


Fig: Adversarial examples misclassified using an untargeted MSB attack.

Shift in Attention of Perturbed Images

To visualize how the attention of a classifier shifts with an adversarial perturbation. I used an implementation of Grad-CAM with the Carlini & Wagner attack, JSMA and the One Pixel attack to obtain Heat Maps (indicating the important regions the classifier looks for in the image), Guided Backpropagation (highlights all contributing features for classification) and Grad-CAM (highlights class discriminative features) mappings. The intensity of pixels indicates prominence of features compared to others.

(Left to Right) Targeted attacks on two classes, Feature importance heatmaps, Guided backprop and guided backprop with Grad-CAM, using C&W attack. The original image is to the top and the adversary is below.

(Left to Right) Targeted attacks on two classes, Feature importance heatmaps, Guided backprop andguided backprop Grad-CAM, using JSMA. The original image is to the top and the adversary is below.

(Left to Right) Targeted attacks on two classes, Feature importance heatmaps, Guided backprop and guided backprop Grad-CAM, using One Pixel Attack. The original image is to the top and the adversary is below Note that while these images are perturbed, they are not misclassified as are the images in the examples above.


Part of an ongoing project under Dr. Mayank Vatsa and Dr. Richa Singh