- Run the python3 script from the folder where you want the Vimrc to be, it should take care of the rest. Or you could install it manually.
python3 script.py
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/divyam3897/vimrc.git
- Add the following to your existing .vimrc
source ~/pathToVimrc/.vimrc
- Open vim and enter the following in the Normal/Command mode for installing the plugins using vundle.
That's all to get it running 💥
#Plugins supported:
- NerdTree: A Tree explorer plugin for vim
- Supertab: Insert mode completions with Tab
- Fugitive: Git wrapper for vim
- Airline: Status/tabline for vim
- NerdCommenter: Vim plugin for intensive commenting
- Delimitmate: Provides insert mode auto-completion for quotes, brackets etc
- ack.vim: Ack search tool for vim
- quickrun: Quick execution of files from vim
- Airline-themes: Themes for status/tabline for vim
- Closetag: Close html and xml tags
Color-Scheme: Solarized
#Cheat sheets for plugins for vimrc:
- NerdTree:
Command | Description |
l | Open NERDTree explorer |
t | Open file in new vim tab |
i | Open file in horizontal split |
s | Open file in vertical split |
p | Go to parent directory |
ctrl+ww | Switch between splits and NERDTree explorer |
- Fugitive:
Command | Description |
:Git [args] | Run your git commands |
:Gstatus | Output of git-status in window |
- | :Git |
cc | :Gcommit |
ca | :Gcommit --amend |
D | :Gdiff |
:Gpull | git pull |
:Gpush | git push |
- NerdCommenter:
Command | Description |
cc | comment selection |
cs | comment nicely |
c$ | comment current line |
- Ack.vim:
:Ack [options] {pattern} [{directories}]
- Quick run:
<leader>r # To execute a files
- Close Tag:
Ctrl + _ # Searches and closes all tags
#More shortcuts:
Shortcuts | Description |
Ctrl + s | Save current file and back to insert mode |
,s | :vsplit |
,de | Removes empty lines in a file |
,t | new tab |
,w | close tab |
Shift + tab | previous tab |
tab | next tab |