Pinned Repositories
Here are the 3 apps that I made in the learning process in my 1st year. They do not serve any particular purpose because I just started then and eventually dropped android development.
I successfully developed the Responsive Apple Website Clone using only HTML and CSS. The project was completed within a span of three days, and I am satisfied with the outcome. Managing the entire project solo, I am pleased to see that I was able to execute all aspects effectively.
Config files for my GitHub profile.
A simple library to estimate height of person
LIquor Description
In a brief two-day assignment for a company selection round, I created a music catalog app using Django. To enhance the visual appeal, Bootstrap was incorporated for cosmetic effects. The app encompasses multiple views to display songs and their details, along with a seamless feature to add new songs. I have used css and js for better iteractivity.
Leg Repetition calculator for physiotherapy patients, it calculates the reptition only after a given period of time.
I made this project to learn basics of django and implement everthing I learnend about it in here.
College RStudio
Made using NLTK and VADER Sentiment Scoring system to analyze the emotions or sentiment behind texts.
divyangM1's Repositories
Here are the 3 apps that I made in the learning process in my 1st year. They do not serve any particular purpose because I just started then and eventually dropped android development.
I successfully developed the Responsive Apple Website Clone using only HTML and CSS. The project was completed within a span of three days, and I am satisfied with the outcome. Managing the entire project solo, I am pleased to see that I was able to execute all aspects effectively.
Config files for my GitHub profile.
A simple library to estimate height of person
LIquor Description
In a brief two-day assignment for a company selection round, I created a music catalog app using Django. To enhance the visual appeal, Bootstrap was incorporated for cosmetic effects. The app encompasses multiple views to display songs and their details, along with a seamless feature to add new songs. I have used css and js for better iteractivity.
Leg Repetition calculator for physiotherapy patients, it calculates the reptition only after a given period of time.
I made this project to learn basics of django and implement everthing I learnend about it in here.
College RStudio
Made using NLTK and VADER Sentiment Scoring system to analyze the emotions or sentiment behind texts.
A todolist made using react and django
Will add comments logic
Currently only tells time on asking " What is the time? ".
Build for myself, to track my application status directly on my phone anytime, using githubpages