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A bank management system written in C++.
Credit card frauds cost a lot to the banks as well as the customers. Here we compare various machine learning algorithms to find the best one in detecting credit card frauds. The dataset is highly imbalanced, therefore we use a technique known as SMOTE to generate synthetic data
Shortage of data is a huge problem in the medical domain which needs to be countered. Big hospitals are reluctant to share their patients' data online because of the patient-doctor confidentiality. GANs are a alternative method which can help us solve this problem of data shortage.
Config files for my GitHub profile.
This project involves designing and implementing an audio equalizer using MATLAB. An audio equalizer is a tool used to adjust the balance of different frequency components in an audio signal.
A computer vision model which predicts the name of the indian food through its image. It uses transfer learning and I have used resnet50v2 and efficient_netb0 models which are pretrained Convolutional neural network models imported from the tensorflow hub to predict the name of the dish.
Prediction of rock or mine using sonar data
A talking assistant that uses GPT-3 to generate audio responses to the audio input.
A document classifier that uses BERT and EfficientNet models to predict the type of document.
divyansh10100's Repositories
This project involves designing and implementing an audio equalizer using MATLAB. An audio equalizer is a tool used to adjust the balance of different frequency components in an audio signal.
Credit card frauds cost a lot to the banks as well as the customers. Here we compare various machine learning algorithms to find the best one in detecting credit card frauds. The dataset is highly imbalanced, therefore we use a technique known as SMOTE to generate synthetic data
Config files for my GitHub profile.
A bank management system written in C++.
Shortage of data is a huge problem in the medical domain which needs to be countered. Big hospitals are reluctant to share their patients' data online because of the patient-doctor confidentiality. GANs are a alternative method which can help us solve this problem of data shortage.
A computer vision model which predicts the name of the indian food through its image. It uses transfer learning and I have used resnet50v2 and efficient_netb0 models which are pretrained Convolutional neural network models imported from the tensorflow hub to predict the name of the dish.
Prediction of rock or mine using sonar data
A talking assistant that uses GPT-3 to generate audio responses to the audio input.
A document classifier that uses BERT and EfficientNet models to predict the type of document.