-> A website for TechFest that helps a user register for events being held in the fest. This website has been developed under webKriti being held by AASF@ABV-IIITM.


  • A fully fledged website developed by TeamInfinity to provide the user with a convenient source to register/withdraw from an event being held in the fest.
  • A completely responsive layout which helps the user to be able to surf through the website and experience it on any mobile/desktop device.
  • An Events page to help the user surf through the events being held in the fest and also register/withdraw for them as per their wish. We have tried to implement the option to add/remove the data in the database using the mysql package.
  • A Login/Register page to log an existing user in or register a new user to the fest database with their passwords being utmost safe using hashing techniques. We have tried to implement the option to locally authenticate the user using the passport and passport-local package's local strategy. Also, we have tried to secure the user's crucial information (like passwords) by hashing the information using the bcrypt package.
  • A Profile page to display the user details and the list of events that the user has registered for. This page also provides an option to log the user out of session. We have tried to implement this page using the mysql and passport packages.
  • A Google-sign-in option to help the user log-in or register with their google account if they wish to. We have tried to implement this feature to authenticate the user via his/her google account using the passport and passport-google-oauth20 package's google strategy.
  • A Contact page for the user to get in contact with us and send us a message. We have tried to implement this feature of receiving mails from users using the nodemailer package. This feature is also supported by mailGun's services.
  • Last but not the least, a wise use of SVGs and SVG animations.


The screenshots for every page can be seen here


You can find the video here.


You can visit the hosted website at Infinity