
The MisFits

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Quizzer - quizzing made easy

Table of Contents 📕

Tally CodeBrewers-2022

  • The Challenge
    • Build a Quiz Organizing Platform
    • Essential features which were expected
      1. Quiz Admin Register, and Sign In flow
      2. Quiz Admin can publish a quiz.
      3. Quiz taker can attempt a quiz using a shared link.
      4. Score of all participants for a quiz to be available to quiz admin at the end of quiz
    • Detailed View of the Problem Statement can be found here

Tools and Technology

The front end is created in React.js and Material UI. For creating backend, we used Nodejs. For the database, we used Google Firebase. We created a very flexible and versatile foundation for our codebase, so that in future its functionality could be easily extended and new agents could be easily added into it.

Features :


  • Login/Signup
    • Users can login/signup via Google Sign in or email.


Create Quiz

  • Quiz Admin can create and schedule multiple quizzes.
  • Quiz Admin vary weightage of each questions.
  • Quiz Admin can add and email participants of the quizzes.

Quiz History

  • Quiz Admin can see status of all quizzes created till then.
  • Quiz Admin can Add/Delete questions from any quiz.
  • Quiz Admin can reschedule any quiz.
  • Quiz Admin can terminate any quiz.
  • Quiz Admin can add more participants to any non terminated quiz.
  • Quiz Admin can see realtime results of any created quiz.

Quizzing Window

  • Quiz Takers can access this window through URL mailed to them.
  • Quiz Takers can only attempt the quiz withing the time slot assigned by the Quiz Admin.
  • Quiz Takers will get realtime summary of their attempt.
  • Quiz Takers can re-attempt any unsubmitted quiz if any network failure occurs.
  • Quiz Takers will get the results instantly after their successfull submission.
  • Quiz Takers responses will be valid only if they were submitted with the allotted time duration.


  • Quiz Admins can see realtime score of all participants of any quiz.
  • Quiz Admins can search for score of any participant through participants name.
  • Quiz Admins can sort result on the basis of score.


  • Quiz Admins can see realtime stats of all created quizzes.
  • Quiz Admins can search for any quiz stat through quiz title.
  • Quiz Admins can sort quiz on the basis of average score, highest score and number of participants.

Future Work

  • Auto Adding Participants using CSVs
    • Quiz Master will be able to directly add participants instead of manually entering everyone.
  • Timer per questions
    • In addition to overall time duration, time per question can also be fixed by Quiz Master
  • Prompt users for marked/ unattempted question
    • Before submitting the quiz, participants will get prompted for marked & unanswered questions
  • Showing Detailed Statistics
    • Detailed statistics related to quiz like maximum marks, lowest marks, average marks etc.
  • Prompt users for terminated Quizzes.
    • If an quiz is terminated while a participant is attempting quiz, he/she will be prompted that quiz is over
  • QuizMasters can share realtime clarifications.
    • Quiz Masters will be able to share any clarifications regarding quiz or any question that they have

Contributing Guidelines

  1. This repository consists of 2 directory frontend,backend.
  2. The frontend directory the frontent code written in React.
  3. The backend contains webpages backend nodejs .
  4. So, commit code to the corresponding services.

Setting up the repository locally

  1. Fork the repo to your account.

  2. Clone your forked repo to your local machine:

git clone https://github.com/MiHarsh/Tally-Quizzer.git (https)


git clone git@github.com:MiHarsh/Tally-Quizzer.git (ssh)

This will make a copy of the code to your local machine.

  1. Change directory to Tally-Quizzer.
cd Tally-Quizzer
  1. Check the remote of your local repo by:
git remote -v

It should output the following:

origin	https://github.com/<username>/Tally-Quizzer.git (fetch)
origin	https://github.com/<username>/Tally-Quizzer.git (push)


origin	git@github.com:<username>/Tally-Quizzer.git (fetch)
origin	git@github.com:<username>/Tally-Quizzer.git (push)

Add upstream to remote:

git remote add upstream https://github.com/MiHarsh/Tally-Quizzer.git (https)


git remote add upstream git@github.com:MiHarsh/Tally-Quizzer.git (ssh)

Running git remote -v should then print the following:

origin	https://github.com/<username>/Tally-Quizzer.git (fetch)
origin	https://github.com/<username>/Tally-Quizzer.git (push)
upstream	https://github.com/MiHarsh/Tally-Quizzer.git (fetch)
upstream	https://github.com/MiHarsh/Tally-Quizzer.git (push)


origin	git@github.com:<username>/Tally-Quizzer.git (fetch)
origin	git@github.com:<username>/Tally-Quizzer.git (push)
upstream	git@github.com:MiHarsh/Tally-Quizzer.git (fetch)
upstream	git@github.com:MiHarsh/Tally-Quizzer.git (push)

Method 1 (recommended): Using Docker


  1. Install Docker by looking up the docs
  2. Install Docker Compose by looking up the docs


  1. Make sure you are inside the root of the project (i.e., ./Tally-Quizzer/ folder).
  2. Setup environment variables in .env files of all folders according to .env.sample files.
  3. Run docker-compose up to spin up the containers.
  4. The website would then be available locally at http://localhost:3000/.
  5. The above command could be run in detached mode with -d flag as docker-compose up -d.
  6. For help, run the command docker-compose -h.

Method 2


  1. Install concurrently by running npm run pre-install on terminal.


  1. Make sure you are inside the root of the project (i.e., ./Tally-Quizzer/ folder).
  2. Setup environment variables in .env files of all folders according to .env.sample files.
  3. Run npm run start-with-install to install all the dependencies and run frontend and backend concurrently.
  4. The website would then be available locally at http://localhost:3000/.
  5. If you have already installed the dependencies, you can also run npm run start to run the frontend and backend concurrently.

Method 3 : Setup services independently


  1. Download and Install Nodejs

Setup Node Backend

  1. Run cd .\backend to go inside the Node.js server folder for Windows or Run cd backend to go inside the Node.js server folder for Linux.
  2. Run npm install to install all the dependencies.
  3. Create a new file named .env and add the environment variables according to .env.sample file.
  4. Run npm start to start the node backend server.

Setup Frontend

  1. Run cd frontend to go inside the frontend folder.
  2. Run npm install to install all the dependencies.
  3. Create a new file named .env and add the environment variables according to .env.sample file.
  4. Run npm start to start the frontend backend server.


login Login Page register Register
Homepage Homepage dashboard Dashboard
create new quizCreate/Edit a Quiz view-quiz-History View Quiz History
View-participants Add/View Participants view statistics Statistics Page
view-score-card View Score Card mail test link Mail Test Link
view-instructions-page Instructions Page instant score release Instant Score Release
quizzing-window Quizzing Window

Database Schema
