
A feedback control system for 3-axis camera gimbal stabilizer

Primary LanguageC

3-Axis Camera Gimbal Stabilizer

The purpose of this project is to implement a feedback control system for 3-axis camera gimbal stabilizer. The goal is to build an active stabilizer that is lightweight and useful for stabilizing a camera. The system is based on pairing electric servo motors with a position sensor in order to compensate for unwanted movements. This makes sure that the camera stays level with the ground at all times and can give stabilized video footage. To simplify the problem, the platform motions are uncoupled in three directions: yaw (ψ), pitch (φ), and roll (θ). The stabilizer arms are 3D printed with PLC material and are paired with the servo motors to establish two axes that are perpendicular to each other. The entire device is hand held and is operated with two handles which makes for easy user operation. The final product performed relatively well with the ability to compensate motions around the pitch and roll axes. The system turned out quite bulky but lightweight enough to be controlled easily with both hands. The system could also crash occasionally, requiring a reset to resume operation. All in all, the system operated as desired and thus fulfilled its purpose. For further development, the primary area of improvement is the regulator to make the compensation smoother. Also, the system could be shrunk down significantly to reduce size and weight.