Project hosted on my subdomain:
This project was developed in React using Styled Components. It is a simple network where users can log in with a username, create posts, edit, and delete their own posts, using the @CodeLeap test API. The application uses Redux for state management and interacts with the API to perform CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on the posts.
Login and Logout: Users can login to the application and logout, ensuring that logging in again is only possible by logging out the username.
Posts: Users can create, edit, and delete posts.
Responsive Interface: The interface is designed to be user-friendly on both mobile and desktop devices.
Styled Components
React Router
Redux Toolkit
Node.js installed
npm or yarn installed
Open the terminal and follow the commands below:
Clone the repository: git clone
Enter the project directory with the command: cd CodeLeap-Test
Install dependencies: npm install
Start the application: npm run dev
And open the Browser and go to http://localhost:5173/ to see the application running.
Login: Go to the signup page and enter a username. After signing up, you will be redirected to the main page.
Create Posts: On the main page, enter a title and content to create a new post.
Edit and Delete Posts: Created posts can be edited or deleted by clicking the appropriate icons and can also be canceled by pressing the ESC key.