
This project is a simple flask API to authorize users using JWT(JSON Web Tokens). User can access public API directly but after login they needed token to use private APIs. This is a standard way to secure your API from unauthorize access.

Primary LanguagePython


This project is a simple flask API to authorize users using JWT(JSON Web Tokens). User can access public API directly but after login they needed token to use private APIs. This is a standard way to secure your API from unauthorize access.


  • python
  • Flask


  • Flask api with JWT Token
  • protected URLs can only be accessible using token

Running this Project

Pictorial View

Running App View -

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Public/unprotected API -

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Accessing protected API without token -

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Login API -

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Login API Response-

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Protected API Response using Token-

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Lets use Postman for same

Postman Login API -

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Postman Protected API Response using Token-

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