- Powered by Cocos2d-X & Box2D
- Inspired by and ported from haqu / tiny-wings
- Runs on both Android and iOS
- Youtube demo: http://youtu.be/4ISI_70pYGs
- Youku demo: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNDAwMDgyNzgw.html
- There's an .apk alongside the source code.
- Or, you can build and run the souce code yourself. The Cocos2d-x and Box2D libs are included already. But you still need to modify the build_native.sh script so that the Android NDK recognizes the relative path for those libs on your Mac.
Tested OK on my Nexus S (Android 4.0) and my iPhone 4s (iOS 5.0).
The code is released under the MIT License.