
Global modifiers & profile abilities need to somehow support re-rolling 1 failed hit/wound roll

hutber opened this issue · 3 comments

Eldar have the ability to re-roll 1 failed hit roll and 1 failed wound roll. Always.
But then you have units like the Fie Prism that also has a rule to allow it to re-roll one failed hit and one failed wound roll. So you re-roll 2 dice for hit and wound.

I did try to add this as a custom ability but as a 1 is always a fail, it would not allow me to.

This does have a big impact on the dice rolls for this unit and most other units tbh. Its their army rule.

What's currently missing from UC to enable this is support for being able to re-roll 1 failed hit or wound roll via global modifiers and profile abilities. UC currently only supports this via weapon abilities as that's by far the easiest way to tell UC which weapon a single re-roll should be "spent" on.

I'll amend the issue title to properly reflect this - right now it's pretty vague.

As a workaround in the meantime, I know that some Eldar players create duplicate weapons on their profiles: 1 with no hit/wound re-roll and another with a hit and/or wound re-roll as desired. Far from ideal but it gets you there.

As a workaround in the meantime, I know that some Eldar players create duplicate weapons on their profiles: 1 with no hit/wound re-roll and another with a hit and/or wound re-roll as desired. Far from ideal but it gets you there.

Thanks! I'll try to wrap my head around how to do this :D