
Arch linux dotfiles

Primary LanguageShell


My dotfiles, theme heavily inspired by AwesomeWM multicolor



Some details about the setup:

those details vary depending of the distribution I'm currently in, different init systems and display servers



Keybinding Action
CTRL + F fuzzy find my way to most common used directories


Leader set as space

Keybinding Action
LEADER + y yank into registry (clipboard stuff)
LEADER + CarriageReturn source out init.vim conf
LEADER + pv open the explorer
LEADER + + add split size
LEADER + - reduce split size
CTRL + c exit from insert mode without press Esc
LEADER + ps toggle project search
CTRL + p toggle fuzzy find file opening
LEADER + e open diagnostics
gd go to definition
K toggle hover helper
LEADER + rn rename var
LEADER + ca code actions
gr open references
LEADER + f format


The best way to install is through my ansible scripts