
Test implementation of persistent queue

Primary LanguageElixir


Test implementation of persistent queue with the next possibilities:

  • Add message in the end of the queue (add)
  • Get the next message from the beginning of the queue for processing (get)
  • Acknowledge successful processing of the message (ack)
  • Reject processing of the message and add the message back in the end of the queue (reject)

There may be several message processors and they could work independently.


  • All nodes are predefined in a config file.
  • All nodes are being running on the same host machine.
  • All nodes should be run together before starting to use the queue.
  • In case some node will fall down and rise up again it could be mark as inconsistent.


Run all predefined nodes by using such command on each appropriate node:

iex --sname <nodeN> --cookie persiqueue -S mix