
Navigation Rail demo

Primary LanguageDart


A material widget that is meant to be displayed at the left or right of an app to navigate between a small number of views, typically between three and five.

A navigation rail is usually used as the first or last element of a Row which defines the app's Scaffold body.

The appearance of all of the NavigationRails within an app can be specified with NavigationRailTheme. The default values for null theme properties are based on the Theme's ThemeData.textTheme, ThemeData.iconTheme, and ThemeData.colorScheme. The navigation rail is meant for layouts with wide viewports, such as a desktop web or tablet landscape layout. For smaller layouts, like mobile portrait, a BottomNavigationBar should be used instead.

Adaptive layouts can build different instances of the Scaffold in order to have a navigation rail for more horizontal layouts and a bottom navigation bar for more vertical layouts.


  • backgroundColor → Color Sets the color of the Container that holds all of the NavigationRail's contents.

  • destinations → List Defines the appearance of the button items that are arrayed within the navigation rail.

  • elevation → double The rail's elevation or z-coordinate.

  • extended → bool Indicates that the NavigationRail should be in the extended state.

  • groupAlignment → double The vertical alignment for the group of destinations within the rail.

  • labelType → NavigationRailLabelType Defines the layout and behavior of the labels for the default, unextended NavigationRail.

  • leading → Widget The leading widget in the rail that is placed above the destinations.

  • minExtendedWidth → double The final width when the animation is complete for setting extended to true.

  • minWidth → double The smallest possible width for the rail regardless of the destination's icon or label size.

  • onDestinationSelected → ValueChanged Called when one of the destinations is selected.

  • selectedIconTheme → IconThemeData The visual properties of the icon in the selected destination.

  • selectedIndex → int The index into destinations for the current selected NavigationRailDestination.

  • selectedLabelTextStyle → TextStyle The TextStyle of a destination's label when it is selected.

  • trailing → Widget The trailing widget in the rail that is placed below the destinations.

  • unselectedIconTheme → IconThemeData The visual properties of the icon in the unselected destination.

  • unselectedLabelTextStyle → TextStyle The TextStyle of a destination's label when it is unselected.

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