
PyTorch 1.10.2 Dockerfile for CUDA capability 3.0

Primary LanguageDockerfileMIT LicenseMIT

Docker Hub

Pytorch Dockerfile for graphics cards capability 3.0

This Dockerfile serves the latest possible pytorch (v1.10.2) and torchvision (v0.11.3) that could be compiled for the sm_30 NVIDIA architecture (compute capability 3.0).

CUDA 10.2 cuDNN 7.


Pre-built images are served on the dockerhub.

docker run -it --gpus all dizcza/pytorch-sm30 python
>>> import torch
>>> torch.__version__
>>> torch.cuda.get_device_capability()
(3, 0)
>>> torch.randn(5).cuda()
tensor([ 0.8824, -0.0490,  2.0234, -1.7939,  0.6414], device='cuda:0')

Local build

Note: it'll take 3+ hours to build the image.

docker build -t pytorch-sm30 .


docker run -it --gpus all pytorch-sm30 python