1- Clone the repository
2- cd ./qooper-todo-app
3- npm install
4- npm run start
Bootstrap React TypeScript with Creat React App npx create-react-app ./ --template typescript
I create my own UI Reusable Components. For this i use styled-components. I create a theme for colors, font-size or etc. Also create grid layout system. for Layout. (Col, Row system.). For Icons i copy svg to codebase. and use it. I follow the best practices for as much as I can.
Create the routes. Also create folder structure.
- home
- sign-in
Build the Register form. Note: I save User Input Data on LocalStorage in Browser. If i have a time, may be i can save in firestore. In this way we can see the user informations on the database. But for know this is not possible...
Build the HomePage. (List Page) I create todo items on locale (not api usign). but state managed on Redux.
I implement the firestore. Then i convert to locale state to firestore. I create, update and delete. Then snapshot fire, i save to redux. Then i read data from redux.
I deploy and host in vercel.
I tried to explain it simply as i cloud.