This train-ticket-system is composed of several database units, which provides functionalities for:
	insert/delete/modify user information.
	insert/delete/modify train information.
	query all non-trivial train tickets given date and location. 
	buy tickets and store transactions information given date and location. 

The first problem is addressed by user_db database, which is a B+ tree that stores user information, with key "user_id" and value "privilege, name, password, email, phone". 

The second problem is solved by train_pile_storer. Since the train information isn't structured, B+ tree isn't suitable for that. Meanwhile, note that almost no changes need to be applied to trains' basic information, we can store them in a data pile. And search particular trains via its file offset, therefore we need a train_id_db providing map from train_offset to train_information.

For the third problem, we query for all train passing a given location, and get the intersected train for further inspection. Because of that, we need a map from location to train_id(of course may plus some additional information). Therefore we have location_db. 
Then, when we get a particular train(get both train_id and train's detailed info), we need to output the number of tickets from station1 to station2 that has been sold. This question is not a that hard one because train_id is fixed, and we are considering one specific train. Because of that, we need to record how many tickets have been sold for a train on a date. 
* Because the date of one train on the lane may change due to the variation of its position, we always represent date in ticket_db with the starting date of the very first station. We need to store date offset for each station. (where can we store it?). 

To deal with the last problem, we need to setup a bill_db to record all bill records for every user. And simultaneously change ticket_db. 

* query transfer can be solved clearly using previous building blocks. 

* because almost every command needs train basic information, we always minimize data duplication in other databases, except for special cases. 

* query_order is a rare command, try to simplify bill_db to boost buy_ticket. 

To sum up: 
	1. user_db.			key: user_id (int);												val: privilege + name + password + email + phone
	2. train_info_db.	key: pile file offset (int);									val: train_info blabla... + date offset!!!
	3. train_id_db.		key: train_id (char[]);											val: pile file offset (int) + whether on sale (bool) 
	4. station_db.		key: station name (char[]) + train_cat + train_id (char[]);		val: train_id + location index (char)
	5. ticket_db.		key: train_id + date (head start) (int) + station index (char);	val: (ticket sold) * 5 (short)
	6. bill_db.			key: user_id + date + catalog.									val: train_id + location index1/2 + (ticket bought) * 5
Note that there's no unnecessary information stored in those databases.

Extract common functions: 
	1. get_train_info(train_id). 
	2. query_ticket_per_catalog. 
	3. get tickets left (minimum along the path) given two locations and date.
