

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


front-end project template and development environment

#website FE-Template

use nodejs + express + gulp + coffeescript + less + ejs + jquery1.11.2 + lessHat.less + marchen.less + normalize.css

#change log

version 0.1.1

optimization directory, fix a little bug

version 0.1.0

add jade file

version 0.0.9

add bower package manage
increase the number of sites
fix a number of bug

version 0.0.8

fix gulp.watch(),if file add or create,then the new file will not be watch at all.
js lib add scrollReveal-2.2.0.min.js.
fix after less compile finish,then will be reload browser, fix a lot bug.

version 0.0.7

replace gulp localhost to gulp proxy,it will open browser to proxy localhost:3000,you can change it in gulpfile.js file
add gulp server to open static catalog, it will be compile
add gulp server-no-compile to open static catalog, it not to compile less or coffee or js files

version 0.0.6

add docs catalog to show how to use it
add gulp release task to zip files to down

version 0.0.5

add gitignore file,now build file will not push to git. fix some bug.

version 0.0.4

change gulp task:

gulp ------ watch less, coffee, js, and views direction files.when changed compile them.
gulp localhost ------ use browser-sync tool watch less, coffee, js, and views direction files. when change compile them and reload browser.