Git Command Line Guidelines

ALWAYS PULL BEFORE STARTING WORK ON A REPO. If you aren't up to date with the repo and make changes and then try to push them up to GitHub you're going to have a bad time. AKA merge conflicts

Here's how you pull down everything from the repo

git pull origin master

After completing what you're working on, run these 3 commands to push your work up to the repo. (You must be in the root folder of the project you're working on in order to run these commands.)

  1. git add . This will add all the files you worked on to then run the next command
  2. git commit -m 'YOUR COMMIT MESSAGE' Write whatever you want the commit message to be inside the quotes
  3. git push origin master This is the command that will push everything you've worked on up to GitHub so that others can then pull down what you've done to their local environment.