
Assembly for fun

Primary LanguageShell


Registers can hold up to 16 bits (1 word/2 bytes) of data.

ax bx cx dx can be accessed via high/low 8-bit (1 byte) portions.

General purpose registers
Arithmetic, add/subtract/compare

Segment registers

Read-only: cs, ip
Cannot be directly modified by a program
Can be indirectly modified by CPU instructions

bits 15-8 bits 7-0
ax 11111111 11111111 16-bit
ah 11111111 00000000 8-bit
al 00000000 11111111 8-bit
ax ah al accumulator
cx ch cl count
dx dh dl data
bx bh bl base: memory address
sp stack ptr
bp base ptr
si source idx
di destination idx
ds data segment
es extra segment
ss stack segment
cs code segment
ip instruction ptr