
A Docker container for OpenAM with an embedded OpenDJ.

Primary LanguageShell


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This container is running a Java 8 with Tomcat 8 for OpenAM. This container is used for testing/validating the 'python-openam' module. This module can be found here: https://github.com/dj-wasabi/python-openam

This container has 2 tags:

  • 12.0.0
  • 13.0.0

There is no 13.5.0 tag yet.


Using the container can be done like this:

docker pull wdijkerman/openam:13.0.0
docker run -d -h openam.example.com --name openam -p 8080:8080 wdijkerman/openam:13.0.0

This will bootup the container and start OpenAM. You'll have to make sure you put openam.example.com in your hosts file, otherwise you can't access OpenAM. Check the logs to see when the container is booted correctly:

docker logs -f openam

Output will be like:

Registering service amAuthSAML2.xml...Success.
Registering service audit.xml...Success.
Registering service RadiusServerService.xml...Success.
Registering service amSessionPropertyWhitelist.xml...Success.
Registering service selfService.xml...Success.
Configuring system....Done
Configuring server instance....Done
Creating demo user....Done
Setting up monitoring authentication file.
Configuration complete!

Configuration is complete and you should be able to open the login page by opening the following url:



You can verify which OpenAM is running by opening the following url:

$ curl 'http://openam.example.com:8080/version'


The following credentials can be used:


Username: cn=Directory Manager
Password: password_opendj


Username: amadmin
Password: password_openam

note: This container is not suitable for production environments, there are no volumes for storing data and an "embedded" OpenDJ is used.