
A basic Packer example to create a CentOS 7 VM and deploy to VCenter as a template.

Primary LanguageShell



This repository contains a basic (demo) example for creating a CentOS 7 VMware image with Packer. A Virtual Machine will be created, several hardening actions takes place and the VM will be uploaded to a VCenter and then marked as a template. This template can then be used with a tool like terraform to deploy 1 or more servers.

Create VM


The following requirements should be met before you can do something:


The creds.json file should contain the following specific VCenter variables.

  "vcenter_host": "<FQDN_OR_IP_VCENTER>",
  "vcenter_username": "<USERNAME>",
  "vcenter_password": "<PASSWORD>",
  "vcenter_datacenter": "<DATACENTER>"


Once the VM is build and provisioned, Ansible will be installed and a playbook (with a basic role) will be applied as well. When all is done, Ansible and the dependencies will be removed again.


The following command can be used for creating the VM, uploading to the VCenter and mark it as a template.

packer build  -var "git_commit=$(git rev-parse HEAD)" -var-file=creds.json CentOS_7.json

Some links that have helped me to create a VM (Lost a few).