
Capstone project Travel App for Udacity’s Frontend Nanodegree Program

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Travel Planner App Project

This app implements a basic travel planner app. Given a destination to travel to and a date, it shows a photograph of the place and the weather forecast.

This was developed as a course requirement for Udacity's Frontend Developer Nanodegree Program.


The project goal is to create an asynchronous web app that uses multiple Web Api chaining and user data to dynamically update the UI.

The full rubric for the project is available here.

Sample responsive outputs for desktop and mobile: Desktop Example Search Mobile Example Search

Using the code

  1. Start the app using the following command sequence:
git clone <repo link>
npm install
  1. Register on Dark Sky and Pixabay for developer keys. Place them in a .env file at the root of the project. The app will not start if this is not done.
  1. Depending on your need, start the app with one of the commands described in next section. The most basic command to start is npm start.
  2. Visit https://localhost:3000 on a web-browser. This should load the app GUI.
  3. Enter the destination you want to visit.
  4. Enter the date you want to visit on.
  5. Click 'Save Trip' button. It will show up the weather forecast and a small image related to the destination. xn

Implementation Details

The app implements the full rubric. It uses:

  1. Basic express server as a proxy for API requests.
  2. webpack-dev-server and nodemon for development stage. Both can be invoked in parallel using npm run start-dev.
  3. webpack with node for production build. The full build can be invoked using npm start command. It invokes the former utilities serially.
  4. jest for testing. Both frontend app.js and backend server.js are tested in this. Tests can be invoked using npm test command.

Beyond Udacity's Basic Rubric

The code implements the following items beyond Udacity's basic rubric:

  • Implements REST Countries API in app.js.
  • Implements localStorage functionality in app.js to retain entry between browser sessions.
  • The entire code is follows eslint:recommended style. The linter is integrated into development webpack config (webpack.dev.js).
  • Implement webpack-merge to keep webpack configurations DRY.
  • webpack-dev-server is installed with proxy requests to express js node server. This helps by not having to hardcode full endpoint URLs in the frontend fetch requests. So, fetch(http://localhost:3000/endPoint) can simply be replaced with fetch(/endPoint). This helps with more sustainable code.