
Website to display statistics from the aoe opening analyzer

Primary LanguagePython


How to Setup a Development Environment

git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/dj0wns/AoE_Openings

Set up the Backend

Update Pip dependencies pip install -r requirements.txt

Set up a postgress database

Set up a postgres database and add the login to AoE_Openings/AoE_Openings/settings.py, similar to https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/4.1/ref/databases/#postgresql-notes

Then after that is set up, use the AoE_Openings/init.sh script to init the db.

This should initialize the database for everything the backend needs to run.

Then modify some settings in AoE_Openings/settings.py to enable debug mode.

  1. set DEBUG = True
  2. add to ALLOWED_HOSTS
  3. provide SECRET_KEY with some gibberish

Lastly collect static to get all your static files in one place. python manage.py collectstatic

Then try to run the backend:

  1. python manage.py runserver should start the server on port 8000 and you should be able to connect to it