Votemind: Your Modern Voting Companion

Welcome to Votemind, a cutting-edge platform designed to revolutionize the democratic engagement process. Votemind empowers users to participate in elections seamlessly, endorsing candidates, casting votes, and staying informed—all from the convenience of their devices.


User Features

  • Registration and Login: Securely register and log in using a username, password, and identification number.
  • View Candidates: Browse through the list of registered candidates along with their details and images.
  • Vote: Cast your vote for your preferred candidate.
  • Endorse Candidates: Provide endorsements for candidates with a short summary.
  • View Votes: See the vote counts for each candidate.
  • View Votes Graphically: Visual representation of vote counts using bar charts.
  • Delete Endorsements: Remove your previous endorsements if necessary.

Admin Features

  • Admin Login: Secure admin login using a special admin code.
  • Add Candidates: Add new candidates with detailed information.
  • Update Candidates: Modify existing candidate details.
  • Delete Candidates: Remove candidates from the list.
  • View Registered Candidates: See the total number of registered candidates.
  • View Users Voted: Check the number of users who have cast their votes.
  • View Candidate History: Access the detailed history of each candidate.