
Quick thoughts on Strange Loop 2016 videos

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Strange Loop 2016 Notes

Strange Loop is one of my favorite conferences, technical or otherwise. I didn't get a chance to go this year, but thanks to the organizers for putting up the videos so quick!

Here are some of the ones I've seen already


Videos I've seen

  • Is it a Bug or Story - not about agile, but determining whether the big data you’re analyzing is misleading or actually a big story (in the newspaper sense)
  • If Gaudi had a Cluster - interesting for architects (real life buildings, not software arch), interesting piece of software though, they built a “flow” based visual programming language
  • Exploring Conversational interfaces with Alexa and Go - haven’t finished, but very hands on if you want to get into programming an Alexa or any voice activated interface
  • GraphQL Designing a Data Language - Good intro to GraphQL, but I was more interested in the API design principles:
    • Solve a real, super important, problem
    • Have a first client (as in, just a single first client, because many initial clients can take you into too many directions)
    • Don't open source too early, the feedback wont let the project breathe and grow
  • End to end encryption - if you wondered about the nitty gritty of how encryption works, this is it. Kleppman and Vasile are researchers of this stuff, but play-acted out the way encryption works in a way that should be accessible to most technical folks. neat presentation.
  • Storytelling with your Data - talks about Angular 2, D3, three.js and rxjs, but the talk itself (sound quality or maybe delivery?) wasn’t really that good 😞 still, had live programming which is tough to do, so kudos to the speaker that is impressive
  • Zen of High Performance Messaging with NATS
    • Explains how NATS is based on the concept of architectural simplicity which allows it to be reliable/performant/scalable while being simple (with a hat tip to Rich Hickey's points on Simple vs Easy)
    • NATS protects itself from slow consumers by disconnecting them! (my ?: what if you have a permanently slow consumer with bad latency?)
    • If I'm hearing right, NATS wasn't designed for guaranteed delivery, but because of that, it can go faster (see what I did there?)

Sooooo many more to see....