

json-to-go.com is a simple web app to convert raw json to a golang struct.

The main logic is in server/lib/json_str.go.


Tests can be run from ./server with go test -v ./lib

Building, Running, and Deploying

To build a new image:

  • docker build . -t json-to-go.com:latest

To run the backend:

  • Build a new and up-to-date image
  • Run a container with docker run -p 4000:4000 json-to-go.com:latest

To run the frontend:

  • cd client
  • yarn install
  • yarn start

To deploy the backend:

  • Build an up-to-date image tagged with latest
  • Tag for deployment: docker tag json-to-go.com:latest gcr.io/json-to-golang/json-to-golang:latest
  • Push to container registry: docker push gcr.io/json-to-golang/json-to-golang:latest

Technical Notes

Preserving Key Order of JSON

On the back-end, when using the provided JSON decoder to unmarshal a json string to a map[string]interface{} data type, the order of the keys will be lost when iterating over all the keys in the resulting map.

To fix this, a package called "go-ordered-json" is used which retains the order of keys.

Here is some more info about that package

Manual Testing

Good JSON to Use

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