Demo Project for django-fluent

This project shows various django-fluent modules, and possible code layout for inspiration of your own projects.

Docker demo

To build the container and run it:

docker-compose up

And open http://localhost:8000/ Any e-mail that is sent can be seen at: http://localhost:8025/

Kubernets demo

Run the container:

kubectl apply -f k8s-app.yml

Connect an Ingres or NodePort service to the container port:

kubectl apply -f k8s-nodeport.yml
curl -v -H 'Host:'

And open http://localhost:30000/

To uninstall:

kubectl delete -f k8s-nodeport.yml
kubectl delete -f k8s-app.yml


Build the container. and run it:

docker build -t fluentdemo .
docker run --rm -p 8080:8080 fluentdemo

And open http://localhost:8080/

Container settings

Some application settings can be overwritten by defining these environment variables (either in the shell, or in the docker/kubernetes configuration file)

  • ALLOWED_HOSTS A list of hostnames, or * for all.
  • CACHE_URL to point to a cache server (memcached/redis, e.g. memcache://
  • DATABASE_URL to point to a database (e.g. postgresql://user:pass@host/dbname).
  • DJANGO_DEBUG True/False
  • DJANGO_SECRET_KEY a custom secret key
  • DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE a custom settings module, defaults to fluentdemo.settings.env.docker.
  • EMAIL_URL to point to an SMTP server (e.g. smtp+tls://hostname).
  • GOOGLE_ANALYTICS_PROPERTY_ID Google Analytics ID to use
  • SENTRY_DSN to point to an Sentry instance
  • THUMBNAIL_REDIS_URL URL to redis instance for thumbnails.
  • UWSGI_PROCESSES The number of processes that uWSGI must use.
  • UWSGI_THREADS The number of threads that uWSGI must use.

See django-environ for some examples for the DATABASE_URL, CACHE_URL and EMAIL_URL.

Local development


  • Python >= 2.7
  • pip
  • virtualenv (virtualenvwrapper is recommended)

Development setup

To setup a local development environment:

virtualenv env --prompt="(fluentdemo)"  # or mkvirtualenv fluentdemo
source env/bin/activate

cd src
make install
./ migrate
./ runserver

Using a PostgreSQL database

By default, the database uses an SQLite file. PostgreSQL can be used instead:

cp fluentdemo/settings/ fluentdemo/settings/  # To enable debugging
edit fluentdemo/settings/    # define DATABASES or or `export DATABASE_URL=...`

sudo su - postgres
createuser fluentdemo  -P   # testtest is the default password
createdb --template=template0 --encoding='UTF-8' --lc-collate='en_US.UTF-8' --lc-ctype='en_US.UTF-8' --owner=fluentdemo fluentdemo

./ migrate

Compiling SASS files

Sass files are compiled to CSS during the development. At the server, there is no need for installing development tools.

To setup your development system, install NodeJS from On Mac OSX, you can also use brew install libsass node.

Run the following command to compile SASS files:

npm run gulp

This will compile the files, and watch for changes. It also has LiveReload support. Install a browser plugin from: and toggle the "LiveReload" button in the browser to see CSS changes instantly.


Feel free to use parts of this code in your projects.

Creative Commons License

Except otherwise noted, this project is © 2016 Edoburu, under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

The django-fluent modules are licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0.