
Code of django-fluent.org, also serving as example how to build django-fluent sites.

Primary LanguagePython


This is the source code of www.django-fluent.org You can use this freely as example how to use and run a django-fluent CMS site.

Django Fluent CMS modules

The following modules are used in this site:

To create your own Django-Fluent project, use our template at:


Project layout

This project uses the following layout:

  • design/ design source files
  • src/ all source code
  • src/manage.py Django management tool
  • src/Guardfile Guard configuration
  • src/config.rb Compass configuration
  • src/requirements/*.txt PIP requirements files
  • src/apps/ the Django apps.
  • src/frontend/ all frontend templates/JS/CSS code.
  • src/djangofluent/ The project folder with settings, WSGI hook and URLconf.
  • src/djangofluent/settings/default.py configures default Django settings (same of all projects).
  • src/djangofluent/settings/project.py the settings for this project.
  • src/djangofluent/settings/local.py developer settings.
  • src/djangofluent/settings/env/*.py settings per host (beta/production) and production DB credentials.
  • src/djangofluent/wsgi/*.py WSGI start scripts per environment.
  • src/djangofluent/urls.py top level URLconf.
  • web/ The public files exposed by the webserver.
  • web/static/ Static files by Django apps.
  • web/media/ Uploaded media files (JPG/PNG, etc..)

Local development


  • Python >= 2.6
  • pip
  • virtualenv (virtualenvwrapper is recommended)


To setup a local development environment:

# Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/edoburu/django-fluent.org.git

# Create the environment:
mkvirtualenv django-fluent.org
cd src
pip install -r requirements/dev.txt

# Configure MySQL:
mysql -u root -p
  create database `django-fluent.org`;
  grant all privileges on `django-fluent.org`.* to djangofluent@localhost identified by 'testtest';

./manage.py syncdb
./manage.py migrate

# Start Django
./manage.py runserver

Compiling CSS files

To compile SASS files:

gem install compass oily_png guard-livereload guard-compass


To enable LiveReload of *.css files during development, install a browser plugin:

And toggle the "LiveReload" button in the browser at the desired page.


Feel free to use parts of this code in your projects.

Creative Commons License

Except otherwise noted, this project is © 2012-2013 Edoburu, under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

The django-fluent modules are licensed under the Apache License Version 2.0.

The design is licensed from templatemo.com under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License.


Patches are welcome and gratefully accepted, for this site and everything else on our GitHub page.