
Refer to the user_email on which comment I want to reply

Copser opened this issue · 2 comments

How can I refer to a user on which comment I want to reply, from the docs, I can see that the

user_email The email of the user who posted the comment.

and that is fine I'm using it in my code so I could send and email to the user who will comment, but I want to send him a notification mail when someone else reply to that user comment, so in this case they will be notified, so is there a way to refer to the email of the user I want to reply?

Here is a gist of my comment email system notification so you will have more info on the stuff I wan't to do.


Hello I'm closing this because I found out that in the other package django-threadedcomments there is a parent model field which can be referred to the user who left a comment, so now my reply email notification works properly.

Maybe update the docs to give people a hint that this project is related to django-threadedcomments and django-fluent-comments.


@Copser Hey thanks for this! You saved my day!