- 2
Releasing a new version with Django 4.2 support
#193 opened by irtazaakram - 0
Add request.FILES to post_comment form
#190 opened by DominicLGit - 1
- 4
CSP compliance
#182 opened by martin-lueders - 0
How to custom LogEntry?
#184 opened by thosuperman - 1
Missing migration detected with Django 4.0.1
#179 opened by atodorov - 3
Move CI to
#171 opened by claudep - 0
- 3
Converting post_comment to Class Based views
#82 opened by SudShekhar - 1
Release 2.1.0 ?
#169 opened by atodorov - 1
Add reason field to CommentFlag
#167 opened by rollue - 3
Broken link in documentation.
#163 opened by reeshabhranjan - 6
indexing content_type and object_pk
#133 opened by crolfe - 3
Wheel for v2.0.0 missing on PyPI
#165 opened by atodorov - 2
- 1
How do I create a new comment programmatically?
#155 opened by jimkring - 4
list index out of range
#152 opened by dengwen168 - 1
- 2
Unable to customize textarea for comment
#149 opened by painkkiller - 4
- 2
- 1
Minor bug in 'Approve.html'
#141 opened by donox - 0
Using comments in multi site environments
#139 opened by jcuotpc - 1
Can't post comment which have the same comment content with a is_removed comment
#100 opened by grootpiano - 1
django_comments , when i add a delete views, it raise dictionary update sequence element #0 has length 1; 2 is required
#136 opened by jekoie - 1
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Bug in Python2.7 with futurize lib.
#131 opened by Narsil - 3
Slow query on object_pk
#130 opened by alexandredufour - 0
Question - Django comments with django parler/hvad
#129 opened by joeljv91 - 1
CSRF token missing or incorrect.
#128 opened by mythwind - 11
- 0
Ajax comments not working and looks like there are no changes from django_comments
#120 opened by cromanstata - 1
Change the label for `URL` to `Website`
#118 opened by vdboor - 1
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Need information for 3 strings
#104 opened by gunchleoc - 0
- 0
- 4
- 1
I keep getting an odd error in my django app
#98 opened by idesignedme - 1
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RuntimeError: Model class django_comments.models.Comment doesn't declare an explicit app_label and isn't in an application in INSTALLED_APPS.
#87 opened by yeago - 3
Discussion object feature?
#90 opened by yeago - 1
No changelog/release
#86 opened by adamchainz - 6
Allow importing base models only
#83 opened by julen - 2
Progress / Roadmap
#77 opened by vamsi - 5
- 1
remove username when rendering comment
#76 opened by meetwudi - 1
Add index on submit_date?
#74 opened by AlexRiina