
Using TestNG with ExtentReports Purpose: Demonstrate parallel runs by-method and by-class.

Quick Setup

Just import into your IDE as a Gradle project and run with the command: gradle cleanTest test

The build.gradle can be setup to scan for .java files or explicity run a testng.xml file.

NOTE: If you run with Gradle, IntelliJ-IDEA will hide test results from you in the IDE window, and it will not if you run with a TestNG run configuration.

Manual Setup Without Gradle

To run this project, add these 3 .jar files to your classpath:

  1. extentreports-2.41.2.jar
  2. freemarker-2.3.23.jar
  3. testng-6.10.jar

Manual Execution

In your IDE run configuration, run by pointing to suite file in src/test/resources/testNG.xml

Manual Execution Using Intellij-IDEA

  1. Import the project as a generic project.
  2. Create a new Run Configuration for TestNG
  3. Choose "Run As Suite"
  4. Execute

Manual Execution Using Eclipse

  1. TODO