Per-interval emotion recognition of instrumental and vocal tracks of music

Course Project

By Akhmed Sakip and Amirbek Djanibekov


The demo with 10 example songs can be accessed here.

Setting up the environment

First, create a separate conda environment with Python=3.8 to run this project:

conda create --name nlp python=3.8

conda activate nlp

Then, install PyTorch (together with torchaudio) with GPU support, following the guidelines here for your particular CUDA version.

After installing PyTorch, install the other libraries required by the project by running the following in the root folder of the project:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Once the installation is done, you can proceed to passing your input music file through our pipeline. For this, create a folder in the project's root directory named input/ and place an .mp3 or .wav music file there. You do not need to resample it to 16 KHz as this is done automatically. Then, run the following while in the project's endtoend/ folder:

cd endtoend


Please note that the fine-tuned models for both instrumental and vocal emotion recognition will be automatically downloaded from Hugging Face. They can be accessed directly by following these links: instrumental model and vocal model.

After the script successfully finishes its execution, the output files are stored at endtoend/intermediate/. To open the webpage and play the classified segments, just open the endtoend/align.html file in your browser.