Project 0

For Project 0, you will be building a RESTful API using TypeScript and Express. Associates are allowed to come up with their own API idea, but it must be approved by the trainer; suggested ideas are provided below.


  • resource management system API
  • learning management system API
  • any kind of social media API
  • mobile banking application API


  • RESTful API (At least Level 2 of the Richardson Maturity Model)
  • Documentation (all methods have basic documentation)
  • Unit testing (>= 80% coverage)
  • SQL Data Persistance (at least 3 tables; all 3NF)
  • Logging (extra)
  • Authentication/Authorization (extra)

Tech Stack

  • TypeScript
  • PostGreSQL
  • node-postgre
  • Express
  • Jest
  • Git SCM (on GitHub)

Init Instructions

  • Select a project idea and submit it to trainer for approval. Be sure to include:
    • The 3 data entities that you will be persisting
    • Any external APIs that you will be using (not required if none are used)
  • Once approved, create a new repository within this organization (naming convention: firstname_lastname_p0)


  • 5 minute live demonstration of endpoint consumption using Postman